classcraft powers and abilities
Slimeberry PotionThe mystic Slimeberry is found in the magical forests of Wayrth. When the user drinks the potion, it gives the user an aura of invincibility and no damage may come to them for a day.
gamemasters blessingA blessing from the Gamemaster allows for seat choice for a day, and a reward of XP and Gold for the user.
Battle cryWhen uttered this cry strikes fear in the hearts of enemies! When used it will frighten another group causing them to loose 10HP.
deflectionThe holder of this power has the opportunity to deflect damage that would cost them HP to another player on a different team.
fall from grace"Those who rise the highest have the furthest to fall" - The use of this power will send the top player in a random group spiraling down to earth.
Goat liver creamThe most foul smelling of creams! A mix of old cheese, manure and 3 day old fish, but when applied will heal all wounds on a player.
lightning strikeLightning strikes are powerful! When used this will trigger a rapid fire quiz with massive rewards for the winner. Whoever holds the card will be joined by a random player.
eye of newtThis spell ingredient allows a spell to be cast or power to be used without the loss of Mana.
king's ransomThis allows the holder to collect the Kings ransom of 500 Gold pieces.
forsaken followerSometimes followers do more harm then good. The use of this power allows a player to reap the rewards and penalties of an entire group for a day.
conclave inviteAn invitation to visit the most powerful Mages, Wizards and Warlocks of the relm. The invited will undoubtedly walk out with a new and wondrous spell.
The Gods RewardA true gift from above! This will allow the user and a fellow traveler to bask in the warming glow of the Gods and feel replenished in health and Mana.
mana vortexA whirlwind of Mana will surround the user of this power - completely filling their Mana reserves.
time warpThis ability allows the player to go back in time, thereby eliminating a negative action or Book of Laments item.
dragons breathThis small rare flower is easily mistaken for a weed. The skilled eye can pick it out and realizes its potential. This flower summons a dragon and if it can be tamed the user will unlock their abilities.
battle testedThere is one in every campaign. The battle tested veteran, who knows the ins and outs and how to get the most out of any situation. The use of conversations with the battle tested will give the wielder the ability for a hint on a test/quiz/breakout.