I subscribe to a few different blogs. The type that send you an email with the blog post, or most of it, to save you the need of searching the author's page each day. I get almost daily updates from George Couros, A.J. Juliani, and John Spencer. I fully recommend all 3, as they provide insight into educational practices, but best of all, they give me something to think about.
One recent post by A.J. Juliani was titled "7 Things Every Teacher Should Do Before 7AM". I took special notice of #5 - Write or Read to get out of the bubble. This struck a chord with me, as I have been trying to make blogging a priority, but have as yet failed to make any traction. I am happy to say that this is my 3rd post in 4 days, so I am getting better.
The idea is to write a certain amount each day. Not necessarily on a particular topic, but any topic that happens to come to mind, which is why it fits so well with blogging. Usually I only blog when I feel strongly about something, a thank you - as in the case of Brilliant Labs, or a vent, as in the case of the labor strife that my Province encountered this year. I am hoping to get better at blogging ideas, and thoughts. Not to say that I don't feel strongly about my ideas and thoughts, just trying to get more of them out there.
So my goal, blog once a day, or at least every other day. And, more so, keep it positive. I am sure a rant or two will pop in over the course of the year, but hopefully this blog will be about educational ideas, thoughts, and the people who help me on the journey of teaching and learning.
I hope you will join me for the ride, and share any comments, thoughts, ideas, and links to your own blogs.
One recent post by A.J. Juliani was titled "7 Things Every Teacher Should Do Before 7AM". I took special notice of #5 - Write or Read to get out of the bubble. This struck a chord with me, as I have been trying to make blogging a priority, but have as yet failed to make any traction. I am happy to say that this is my 3rd post in 4 days, so I am getting better.
The idea is to write a certain amount each day. Not necessarily on a particular topic, but any topic that happens to come to mind, which is why it fits so well with blogging. Usually I only blog when I feel strongly about something, a thank you - as in the case of Brilliant Labs, or a vent, as in the case of the labor strife that my Province encountered this year. I am hoping to get better at blogging ideas, and thoughts. Not to say that I don't feel strongly about my ideas and thoughts, just trying to get more of them out there.
So my goal, blog once a day, or at least every other day. And, more so, keep it positive. I am sure a rant or two will pop in over the course of the year, but hopefully this blog will be about educational ideas, thoughts, and the people who help me on the journey of teaching and learning.
I hope you will join me for the ride, and share any comments, thoughts, ideas, and links to your own blogs.